
Showing posts from January, 2022

My Favorite Monster Movies

Spoiler alert for those who haven't seen the movie.  There's a ton of great monster movies out there, but I believe my favorite monster movie has to be Cloverfield. Director Matt Reeves and Writer Drew Goddard created a movie that is almost as much about mystery as it is about terror. The main character Robert Hawkins has received a new job in Japan and is going to work there. A group of friends are throwing him a going away party and they hear a horrible sound outside and some terrifying earthquakes. The scene unfolds like a Blair Witch clone with a shaky camera setup that is run by Roberts friend Hud who is played by TJ Miller. What transpires in the next few hours is their attempt to go back into the city and save Robert's girlfriend Lily who has been trapped in the top of a high rise. After they are able to save her, they attempt to escape from New York and the carnage of the monster.  As stated, the movie is shrouded in mystery. You see parts of the monster but the ful

Carving Out My Own Corner of the Internet

 On an idea brought to my attention by Steal Like an Artist, I have decided to carve out my own corner of the internet at Life has drastically changed in the past few years, and I am changing with it. It’s no longer feasible for me to audition for a theatre show and rehearse for an extended period of time. It’s mainly a time issue, and raising two daughters has made me realize that every minute that I can spend in their life’s is sacred. So where does that leave a person who has devoted his entire life to theatre artistry and acting. Well, with a lot of choices on my hands. I’m shifting to being a writer and executive producer of my own work. Think of it as Paul Thomas Andersoning my life…yes, I just used his name as an adverb. But it’s the same thing that Orson Wells, Laurence Olivier and many others have done. Get my own work out there. I have had several plays and movie ideas in the past that are stories that I want to tell that have been rummaging around in


So, I forget who said it, but they were very wise beyond their years. The sentiment was "Write One Crappy Page a Day" when writing your book. Mainly because the biggest impediment to writing is actually doing the deed of writing. The biggest thing stopping you from doing a youtube channel is making videos. The biggest thing stopping you from becoming the next Paul McCartney is writing songs. I'm coming out of one of the most challenging points of my life and really starting to look at making plans for action in a world of ideas. Coming up with ideas is not hard for me at all. I have this great idea for a play, filmscript, youtube channel or book that I'm dying to tell you all about and let you know that I'm "WRITING" it, when I'm really just talking about it. It really comes down to planning. What's the plan, Stan? Well, the plan has been to be perpetually writing these stories that kick around in my head on a continuous loop hoping that one day

The Blackstone Family Thanksgiving

Wrote this story a while back and it got some traction on CreepyPasta.Com and after that, many people read it on YouTube.  A Blackstone Family Thanksgiving Written by Starr Hardgrove. Edited by Bonny Lee. It was all over the papers, though no one really knew how the events unfolded. On the surface, it looked like the perfect Thanksgiving. The turkey was cooked to golden perfection. Steam still rose from the freshly baked dinner rolls and the house was filled with the scent of cinnamon and melted butter from the pumpkin pie and candied yams. Each family member sat around the table dressed in their Sunday best, ready to enjoy the feast before them. Yet, this picturesque scene, which could have easily been the cover of Home and Garden Magazine, was revealed to be under the surface, a gruesome tableau of a family fallen. Foul play was afoot this Thanksgiving. Five corpses sat around this untouched meal. Claude and Mildred Blackstone earned their money on the backs of the hard-working, inde

A New Beginning

I'm writing again. Carving out my little corner of the internet with a new blog and a new sense of creativity. In the past few years, I've been just trying to stay above water with all of my various responsibilities. Life has made many twists and turns in the past few years, but I'm starting to be in a place where I am content on writing and directing new works. Got some things coming up that I am excited to share with you, and I truly believe that starting this blog is the next act in my career. There will be some past work and some future work. There will be new stuff, old stuff, songs, videos and much more. I want you to share with me a new chapter in my creative journey. Let's start together. Buy me a coffee Donate Here